Conhecimento e Empatia

Aqui você encontrará conteúdo valioso sobre autismo, com histórias reais e novas matérias semanalmente, promovendo compreensão e desenvolvimento pessoal.

girl in blue jacket holding white and brown short coated puppy
girl in blue jacket holding white and brown short coated puppy



Histórias Inspiradoras

Apoio Total

A young child with a yellow headband and striped apron is seated on a wooden structure, holding a tablet displaying drawings. Beside the child is a green apple and a clear plastic cup. The image has vibrant and colorful surroundings, including a green carpet and colorful objects.
A young child with a yellow headband and striped apron is seated on a wooden structure, holding a tablet displaying drawings. Beside the child is a green apple and a clear plastic cup. The image has vibrant and colorful surroundings, including a green carpet and colorful objects.


Momentos especiais de mães atípicas e seus filhos autistas.

A young child is focused on an activity, wearing a colorful shirt with long sleeves, possibly for painting. Other children and some adults are in the background, likely engaged in similar activities in a brightly lit room.
A young child is focused on an activity, wearing a colorful shirt with long sleeves, possibly for painting. Other children and some adults are in the background, likely engaged in similar activities in a brightly lit room.
Three children are gathered around a table, intently focused on a colorful activity involving thin, colored sticks. The children appear to be in a classroom or home setting, with kitchen items and writing on a whiteboard visible in the background.
Three children are gathered around a table, intently focused on a colorful activity involving thin, colored sticks. The children appear to be in a classroom or home setting, with kitchen items and writing on a whiteboard visible in the background.
A children's encyclopedia about creativity is prominently displayed. The book features illustrations of space-related technology such as a satellite, space capsule, spacesuit, rocket, and a spectrograph on its cover. In the background, children are sitting on yellow cushioned seats, reading and engaging with each other. The wall behind them is decorated with a colorful mural of a cartoon-like scene.
A children's encyclopedia about creativity is prominently displayed. The book features illustrations of space-related technology such as a satellite, space capsule, spacesuit, rocket, and a spectrograph on its cover. In the background, children are sitting on yellow cushioned seats, reading and engaging with each other. The wall behind them is decorated with a colorful mural of a cartoon-like scene.

Fale Conosco - Maternidade Atípica

Estamos aqui para ajudar você em sua jornada. Compartilhe suas experiencias, sua atitude pode ajudar muitas famílias.

A young child is engaging with a pastel-colored activity board featuring removable pieces with animal illustrations. The pieces are circular and designed to fit into specific slots. The child's clothing is soft purple, complementing the subtle tones of the board.
A young child is engaging with a pastel-colored activity board featuring removable pieces with animal illustrations. The pieces are circular and designed to fit into specific slots. The child's clothing is soft purple, complementing the subtle tones of the board.